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Austmine 2023

Flavia Tata Nardini

Flavia Tata Nardini

Chief Executive Officer, Fleet Space Technologies

Flavia Tata Nardini is co-founder and CEO of one of Australia’s most exciting space startups Fleet Space Technologies.  A real-life rocket scientist, former propulsion test engineer at the European Space Agency and holder of two patents, Flavia has worked across a broad range of innovative space projects. Along with her team they are working towards launching a  constellation of small satellites to enable high value, real time, application in industries such as Mining, Exploration and Defence. Recently added to Flavia’s achievements: Mission Chair of the 7Sisters Moon Mission, Chair of the Australian Space Agency Space Industry Leaders Forum, Ambassador of AmCham SA Council of Governors, Adjunct Professor of UniSA and also recently graduated from the AICD Corporate Program.  A strong advocate for women in STEM she regularly speaks at events and empowers the next generation of leaders.
